随着中国工业自动化产业的进一步繁荣,特别是现场总线和工业以太网的应用与研发日益深入人心,德国赫优讯(HILSCHER)自动化系统有限公司在华业务也蒸蒸日上。2008年3月4日至7日,第12届中国(广州)国际工业控制自动化及仪器仪表展览会在广州中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展馆(新港东路)举行。赫优讯公司积极筹备,带着全系列工业通讯产品:通用网关netTAP/netLINK;计算机通讯板卡CIF/cifX;嵌入式通讯模块COM-C/comX;工业通讯控制芯片netX全系列及其开发工具等等参加此次盛会。赫优讯产品覆盖如Profibus、CANopen、DeviceNet、AS-Interface、InterBus、CC-Link、ControlNet、SERCOS等现场总线,EtherCAT、PROFINET、EtherNet/IP、Powerlink、Modbus TCP/IP、SERCOS III等工业实时以太网。
Dear HILSCHER Customers,
Now China automation industry is growing very fast, especially regarding the application and development of Fieldbus and Industrial Ethernet. HILSCHER business in China is booming too. From 4th to 7th March 2008, HILSCHER will attend the (Guangzhou)International Factory Automation & Instrument Exhibition, which will hold in China Impot & Export Fair Pazhou Complex in Guangzhou. On this Fair, we will show you HILSCHER latest industrial communication products series: general gateways netTAP/netLINK, PC communication cards CIF/cifX, embedded communication module COM/comX and communication ASIC netX series as well as their development tools.
Welcome to our booth 2B Hall B076-B077. Looking forward to the deep cooperation with you!
Best Regards,
HILSCHER Gesellschaft fuer Systemautomation mbH Shanghai Rep. Office