西门子工业自动化与驱动技术集团开发出一种全新宽屏显示器操作员面板——SIMATIC HMI TP 177B 4”。它带有一个4.3英寸全图形化触摸屏以及4个功能按键。
177系列面板中的这款新产品的突出特点是结构紧凑,其显示屏尺寸比市场同类产品还要大三分之一。显示屏LED背光灯的亮度可被调至正常亮度的20%,并可通过内部集成屏保程序完全关闭。SIMATIC HMI TP 177B 4”还具备Profibus DP和Profinet IO接口以及用于连接USB闪盘、SD存储卡或MMC存储卡等移动数据载体的接口。操作员可通过这些数据载体对组态、程序或配方数据进行备份。该新型面板还可通过SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008工程软件进行组态。
Small operator panel with large visualization screen
The Siemens Industry Automation Division has developed a new operator panel in Widescreen format. The SIMATIC HMI TP 177B 4“ has a fully graphical 4.3 inch touchscreen and four tactile function buttons.
The new product from the 170 family of panels is notable for its compact format and a visualization screen that is one third larger than that of comparable devices on the market. The LED backlighting of the display can be dimmed to 20 % of its normal brightness and can be switched off completely by means of the integrated screensaver. The SIMATIC HMI TP 177B 4“ also features interfaces for Profibus DP and Profinet IO, as well as terminals for connecting mobile data carriers such as USB sticks, SD cards or MMC cards. The operator can use these to create a backup of configurations, programs or recipe data, for example. The new panel is configured with the aid of the "SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008" engineering software.