作为当今规模最大的国际工业盛会,汉诺威工业博览会(HANNOVER MESSE)被认为是联系全世界技术领域和商业领域的重要国际活动。中国以合作国身份参展2012年汉诺威展览会,这充分证明了在世界经济形势的不断发展变化中,中国越来越成为一个举足轻重甚至是不可或缺的因素,尽管对于中国的评论,我们还能听到各种声音,但是有一点是毋庸置疑的,那就是中国已经成为世界各国媒体关注和评论的焦点,无论从经济还是政治上,中国崛起的速度都是惊人的。我们充分相信,此次中国的参展必会将汉诺威展会推向一个巅峰,为其带来更加强大的市场效应和更加广泛的关注度。在此,我谨代表德国3S软件公司中国团队,预祝2012年汉诺威展会圆满成功,也希望IIANEWS国际工业自动化网成为促进中德经济合作的桥梁和纽带。
As the largest international industry event, the Hannover Industrial Fair(HANNOVER MESSE) is considered to be the major international event to connect the technology field and business field of the world. In 2012, China will attend the fair as cooperation country, which indicates that China has increasingly become an important and even indispensable factor in the development of the world’s economic situation. Despite we can hear all kind of sounds about China from different regions of the world; the one thing we can confirm is China has becoming the focus of the world. No matter in economic or political, the development speed of China is amazing. We fully believe that, this time, China will bring a peak for HANNOVER MESSE no matter in marketing or power of influence. Here, on behalf of German 3S China Branch, I wish the fully success of HANNOVER MESSE 2012, and hope IIANEWS to become the bridge and link of the economic cooperation between China and Germany.